Date: 23rd October 2021
Venue: Sports field
Number of Participants: 44
Brief report:-
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) organized it’s 5th Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Kabaddi Championship on 23rd October, 2021. The inter faculty competition was participated by Arts, Science, Commerce and Vocationals (Computer Applications, Business Administration, Advertising and Marketing Management) respectively. The knockout round was held in two segments as Science competing with Vocationals and Arts competing with Commerce. The Finals was fought between Arts and Science. The Runner up was Science with 14 points and the championship was backed by Arts with 37 points. The event was coordinated by Dr. Manjula Sushila, Head, Department of Hindi and Sports Coordinator; Ms. Shweta Singh, a Sports Teacher, Kundan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and the Sports Committee members. The entire event was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sister M Rashmi A.C., Principal, Patna Women’s College(Autonomous).