M. Sc. (Math), Ph.D, B.Ed., R.I.E. BBSR
- Gender: Male
- Department: Department of Math
- D.O.B: 01.06.1976
- Ph.D.
- M.Sc. – (Math)
- B.Ed.
- R.I.E
- Teaching Mathematics in Government sector since 2012.
- Slowly Rotating universes with Radiating Perfect Fluid distribution coupled with a scalar field. Vol-3, -10year October 2018, U.G.C Listed Journal- Research Review
International Journal of Multidisciplinary.
- Static Fluid sphere with disordered Radiation in General Relativity Vol. 04-No-2 year 2019, U.G.C Listed Journal No. 44945.. Journal- Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary.
- Anisotropic Ferro fluid in General relativity Anusandhan, A half yearly journal of Scientific Research. Dec. 2008, Vol X No- 16, ISSN-0973-0923.
- On compact Anise tropic sphere with specified energy densitylxora Research Association.
I.S.B.N. No- 978-81-946827-45
- Some Exact Solution of Einstein Field Equation for Acceleration free 1mperfect Fluid Source
Department of Mathematics
B.H.U Varanashi .
Dated-22-24 Dec. 2009.
- On compact Asisotropic sphere with specified EnergyG.D.M College Harnaut (Nalanda) Dated 2-3 April 2011.
Thesis titled “Certain Problems in General Relativity” under supervision of Dr. R.P.Singh, Deptt. Of Mathematics, N.I.T. Patna