Admission Forms for Session(2025-26) Starts from 1st February 2025 New  SWAYAM-NPTEL ENROLLMENT JAN-JULY 2025 New  NAAC REACCREDITED WITH A++ CGPA OF 3.51 New    Patna Women’s College gets remarkable ranking in MDRA – India Today Best Colleges 2023 New  Corona Crusaders College Magazine New   Alumni Association Life Membership/Contribution Form Link New   Patna Women's College is ranked at a rank band of 101 - 150 in the NIRF 2024 Ranking under College category
Admission Forms for Session(2025-26) Starts from 1st February 2025

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Rules and regulations


All students are to conform to the disciplinary rules of the college:

  • Students are expected to be punctual at the lectures, tutorials and practical.
  • Students absent at the roll-call forfeit attendance. Students will submit a leave note whenever they are absent.
  • Students may spend their non-lecture hours either in a silent study in the Library or in a recreative talk in the Common Room or the benches provided in the campus.
  • Courtesy, politeness, and lady-like behavior must always characterize students of Patna Women’s college.
  • No student will leave the college premises without the Principal’s permission, except to go home after the lectures are over.
  • No day-scholar will go to the Hostel residential quarters. If students want to go up to the terrace, special permission from the Principal is required.
  • No visitors for students (including students from other colleges) are allowed during lecture hours.
  • No books, magazines, newspapers or notices for the notice board will be brought to the college without the approval of the Principal.
  • No subscriptions are allowed without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students changing their residence must notify the Principal without delay.
  • Students will wear the college identity card around their neck in the college premises.
  • Use of mobile phones inside the building, corridor and anywhere inside the campus is strictly prohibited. If found guilty of using them, they will be confiscated and punished accordingly. (They will be fined with Rs. 500/ and suspended from class for a week and sent to the library).

Campus Culture:

Patna Women’s College is proud of it’s an eco-friendly, serene and peaceful environment.

  • Deeply committed to upholding the value systems of Patna Women’s College, it is expected that the students conduct themselves in a worthy manner in their dress, demeanor, and discipline. They must respect their teachers; greet them when they meet them in or out of the college campus. They must rise when the teacher enters the classroom, remain standing till they are directed to sit, or till the teacher takes his/her seat.
  • Students should be seated in their respective classrooms at the stroke of the bell. They are expected to make use of the library during free periods. Movement of students in the corridors of the college buildings during lecture hours or sitting on the steps of the staircase or on the steps of the portico of the college is not permitted.
  • A fully equipped sick room is available for students who are in any way ill or indisposed. The college cannot administer medicines to any student. First aid will be given in case of emergency and the parents will be informed.

Code of Conduct on the campus includes:

  • Safeguarding the college property.
  • Keeping the place clean and tidy.
  • Following the prescribed dress code.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Students must possess their identity card, whenever they come to the college and show it to the persons concerned whenever asked for. Congregating on the road in front of the college or at the entrance of the college is to be avoided. Students should park their vehicles in the place allotted for the purpose.
  • Students should maintain decorum and discipline at all times, both inside and outside the campus. Those who are guilty of serious misconduct or whose presence is detrimental to the order and discipline on the campus are liable to be expelled. Code of conduct on the campus includes safeguarding the college property, keeping the place clean and tidy and following the prescribed dress code.
  • Only students who are on the rolls of the college and their parents shall normally be permitted to enter the college campus.
  • Students are not permitted to play any sports or join cultural teams against the college.
  • Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting within the college, or collect money for any purpose or circulate any notice or petition of any kind among the students or paste it on the college notice boards without the written permission of the Principal.
  • No meeting should be held in the college campus, at the gate or within the periphery of the college without prior permission or consent of the Principal.
  • Ragging is a punishable crime under the law and if found guilty in any form, the student will be expelled forthwith.
  • There are committees/ cells like ICC(Internal Complaint Committee for sexual harassment) and Grievances Redressal cell in the college to look after the academic as well as personal issues of the students.

Dress Code:

  • Students are expected to dress formally and modestly as per the specifications of the college i.e. Salwar, Kameez with a Waist Coat/Dupatta. The college has a new Dress Code System with different colours for various Courses upto knee length by the decision of the Governing Body and the QAC members. Students must wear their uniform as allotted to their respective streams in the college as per days specified by the college. If found otherwise, the students will not be permitted to enter their classroom.
  • Tights, leggings, t-shirts, tight and revealing clothes are not allowed in the College Campus. Body piercing, tattooing, fancy colouring of hair and nails and lipstick are not entertained.