About Srishti Club
Srishti is a group of students and teachers committed to raise awareness about environmental issues and to reduce adverse environmental
impact as an individual. It will be a college level club with adequate representation from all the disciplines. The club will play a vital role in building green and resilient economy by enhancing awareness and understanding about environmental issues related to climate change. The club will encourage students to study the local environment and to contribute to resolve environmental problems. In the process students will play an important role in environmental education for Sustainable Development.
Co-ordinating Department – Geography
- To sensitize the stakeholders regarding environmental challenges and develop skills to tackle them.
- To encourage and motivate them for active participation in conservation of nature and natural resources.
- To establish a harmonious ecosystem between human and environment.
- To generate awareness among the students regarding environmental sustainability.
- Observance of environmentally important international/national days.
- Organization of programmes on contemporary relevant issues and challenges.
- Awareness generation in field of environment protection and ecological sustainability.
- Practicing environmentally sustainable activities like plantation and cleanliness drives and community services.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Members will develop a responsible and ethical attitude towards Mother Earth.
- Environment friendly norms and practices will be followed.
- Members will adopt to three Rs of resource conservation- Refuse or Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
- Waste reduction within and outside the campus will be a responsible duty of the members.
Office Bearers:
Co-ordinator Shrishti Club: Ms. Meenakshi Mishra
Student Co-ordinator: Environmental Secretary
Joint-Environmental Secretary