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Dr. Amrita Chowdhury

Dr. Amrita Chowdhury

Ph.D, M.A

Vidwan ID:349141
Orcid ID : 0009-0000-1250-5135

  • Name: Dr. Amrita Chowdhury
  •  Designation: Assistant Professor, Geography Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
  •  Qualification: MA, Ph.D
  •  Specialization: Urban and Social Geography, Gender Studies, Disaster Management
  •  Other Courses: SWYAM Course on Tourism Resources of India
Work Experience :
  • Teaching at Patna Women’s College since 20th July, 1992
Research Experience/ Achievement:
  1. Recipient of ICSSR Major Research Project entitled Assessment of Disaster Preparedness in the Schools of Patna District of Bihar: Current Status, Challenges and Measures for Improvement’ in March, 2022.
  2. Completed UGC Minor Research Project entitled Pattern of Reproductive Health of Women and Child Health in Patna District of Bihar’ in March, 2014.
  3. Completed UGC Minor Research Project entitled ‘Quality of Life of Working Women in Patna Municipal Corporation Area’ in July, 2009.
  4. Completed Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences, on the topic ‘A Geographical Study of Social Well-being of the Bengali Community in Patna’ from Patna University on 7th November 2007.
  5. Guiding Students’ Research Projects at college level under the CPE (College with Potential for Excellence) Scheme of the UGC at the Department of Geography, Patna Women’s College, Patna University.
  6. Supervised Students’ Research Projects for PG Diploma in Disaster Management, IGNOU, Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, Patna University Study Centre from 2001 to 2011.
Awards and Honours
  1. Institutional Leadership Award’ by Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) for excellent leadership in the field of Education for the year 2019-20
  2. Institutional Researcher Award’ by Patna Women’s College for completing UGC Minor Research Project in the year 2014-15.
  3. Exemplary Teacher Award’ by Patna Women’s College for the year 2014-15.
  4. Gold Medallist for securing 1st position in the M.A. Examination in Geography of Patna University for the year 1989.
Resource Person appointed
  1. Delivered a lecture on ‘An Insight into Research Writings and Projects’ in the Faculty Induction Programme organized by IQAC, Patna Women’s College on 18th July, 2022.
  2. Delivered an Invited Lecture on ‘Research Projects for Teachers: Tapping the Opportunities’ at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, West Bengal on 14th June, 2022.
  3. Delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘An Insight into Disaster Management’ at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, West Bengal on 14th June, 2022.
  4. Delivered the Convener’s Address at the National Webinar on ‘Understanding Research Ethics: The Principles and Practices’ organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) on 21st April, 2022.
  5. Delivered the Convener’s Address at RUSA Sponsored 6 Day Workshop on ‘Capacity Building for IQAC Functioning and Accreditation Process’ organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) from 10th to 15th March, 2022.
  6. Worked as an Assessor for the ‘Excellence in Education Award, 2021 for Educational Institutions’ by the Apostolic Carmel Northern Province.
  7. Delivered the Convener’s Address at International Web Conference on ‘Responding to COVID-19 Challenges to Business and Societies’ organized by the Department of Business Administration and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Patna Women’s College on 08th & 09th September, 2021.
  8. Delivered invited lecture on ‘Climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction and the role of Women’ at State level Workshop at Seva Kendra, Kurji, Patna on 29.07.2021
  9. Resource person for the sessions on ‘Unleashing Entrepreneurship: The present Scenario’, ‘Ecosystem available for Entrepreneurship Development’ and ‘Briefing on Market Survey’ in DST Sponsored Faculty Development Programme and Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme at Patna Women’s College from 19th January to 5th March, 2021.
  10. Delivered the Closing Address at National Webinar on ‘Strategy of Atmnirbhar Bharat in context of Youth Migrant Labourers: A Sociological Analysis’ organized by the Department of Sociology in collaboration with the IQAC, Patna Women’s College on 19th & 20th October, 2020.
  11. Resource person for the session on ‘Understanding Challenges faced by the students’ in 5 Day online FDP on ‘Curriculum Development for Outcome Based Education’ organized by IQAC, Patna Women’s College from 28th September to 03rd October, 2020.
  12. Delivered the Convener’s Address at National Webinar on ‘Key Insights on Intellectual Property Rights: An Interface and Emerging Issues’ organized by the IQAC, Patna Women’s College on 25th & 26th June, 2020.
  13. Delivered invited lecture at National Consultation on ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in Bihar, with special reference to COVID-19’ organized by Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee on 13.06.2020.
  14. Delivered the Convener’s Address at National Webinar on ‘The Role of e-learning during Lockdown: Academic Challenges and the Road Ahead’ organized by the IQAC in collaboration with the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College on 08th & 09th May, 2020.
  15. Resource person for ‘International Student and Teacher Exchange Programme’ at Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer (Autonomous) from 27th to 29th January, 2020.
  16. Delivered the Convener’s Address at NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Excellence in Higher Education: Emerging Concerns and the Road Ahead’ organized the IQAC, Patna Women’s College on 80th & 09th February, 2019.
  17. Delivered a guest lecture on ‘Knowledge Management for Secondary School Children’ organized by Bihar Dalit Society, Patna on 02.10.2018.
  18. Resource person at the panel of jury in the State level ‘Essay and Slogan Writing Contest’ organized by BSDMA (Bihar State Disaster Management Authority), Patna during the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
  19. Resource person and Coordinator in the National workshop ‘Contours and Continuum of Cross Sectoral Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy: An Orientation for Educational Institutions’ organized by PCI (Project Concern International) and GFDR (Global Forum for Disaster Reduction), supported by BSDMA (Bihar State Disaster Management Authority) at Seva Kendra, Kurji, Patna on 30 November, 2010.
Administrative Experience
  1. Coordinator IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) 1st term – 2018-2021 and 2nd term – 2022 onwards
  2. Member Secretary, UGC Scheme PARAMARSH, for Mentoring of Colleges/ Universities in Preparation for NAAC Accreditation 2019-2021
  3. Coordinator, Add-on Certificate Course – Travel and Tourism Management since 2014-15
  4. Coordinator, Social Outreach Programme ‘Manthan’ conducted by Department of Geography since 2015
  5. Member, Academic Council, Patna Women’s College since 2018
  6. Member Secretary, Library Advisory Committee, Patna Women’s College since 2020.

Books – Authored/ Edited

  1. ‘COVID-19 Pandemic and World Tourism – Hospitality: Trends, Challenges and Future Prospects’, (ISBN 978-93-91139-14-8), Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, 2021
  2. ‘Excellence in Higher Education – Emerging Concerns and the Road Ahead’, (ISBN 978-93-5027-156-8), Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, 2020
  3. Geography Text Book ‘Essential ICSE Geography for Class 7’ (ISBN 13:978-93-5027-156-8), Bharati Bhawan Publishers & Distributors, Patna – Delhi – Kolkata, 2018.
  4. Geography Text Book ‘Essential ICSE Geography for Class 8’ (ISBN 13:978-93-5027-165-0), Bharati Bhawan Publishers & Distributors, Patna – Delhi – Kolkata, 2018.
  5. ‘Development and Management of Urban Infrastructure in India’ (ISBN 978-93-83684-38-0), Edited by Sister Maria Rashmi A.C., Sarkar, Debjani and Chowdhury, Amrita; Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, 2017
  6. ‘Urban Poverty: Issues and Challenges’ (ISBN 81-85891-25-8) Edited by Sister M. Rashmi A.C., Sarkar, Debjani and Chowdhury, Amrita; Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, 2013.
  7. ‘Quality of Life of the Urban Working Women in Bihar’ (ISBN 81-86931-85-6), Novelty Publishers, Patna, 2011.

Book Chapters

  1. ‘Curriculum Development for Outcome based Education: Evidences from Patna Women’s College, Bihar’ in ‘NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education in India’ (ISBN 978-93-91139-11-7), Edited by Sister Pearl & Kannan, Monika, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, July, 2021: 42-51.
  2. ‘Level of Empowerment among the Working Dalit Women of Patna’ in ‘Dalit, Society and Politics – Emerging trends in Indian Political System’ (ISBN 978-93-82059-76-9), Edited by Roy, Shefali; Synergy Books India, New Delhi in March, 2018:1-10.
  3. ‘Socio-economic Empowerment of Tribal Women: An Eco-feministic View’ in ‘Challenging Patriarchy: A Humanist Perspective’ (ISBN 978-93-82059-62-2), Edited by Roy, Shefali and Sister Matilda Pereira, A.C.; Synergy Books India, New Delhi in July, 2017:58-63.
  4. ‘Status of Disaster Preparedness Infrastructures in the Secondary Schools of Patna’ in ‘Development and Management of Urban Infrastructure in India’(ISBN 978-93-83684-38-0), Edited by Sister Maria Rashmi A.C., Sarkar, Debjani and Chowdhury, Amrita; Rajesh Publications, New Delhi in May, 2017:143-155.
  5. ‘Child Nutrition, Health and Food Security among the Urban Poor of Patna’ in ‘Food Security in India: Issues and Challenges’ (ISBN 978-93-83684-18-2), Edited by Sister Maria Dipasha A.C.; published by Rajesh Publications, New Delhi in July, 2015: 1-13.
  6. ‘Quality Assessment Mechanism in Distance Education: Challenges and Prospects’ in ‘Higher Education for Women through Open University: Issues and Strategies’ (ISBN 978-81-8387-720-6), Edited by Srivastava, Anju; Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi in May, 2015: 29-42.
  7. ‘Cross-Cultural Conflicts faced by the Bengali Community of Patna’ in ‘Development and Conflicts’ (ISBN 93-80036-75-2), Edited by Roy, Debjani and Avishek, Kirti; Mitram, Kolkata in March, 2015: 35-44.
  8. ‘Reproductive Rights of the Indian Women: An Analysis’ in the book ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights: Role of Non-State Actors’ (ISBN 978-81-927627-0-8) edited by Nidhi Sinha and Shefali Roy; published by Patna Women’s College Publications, Patna in December, 2013: 23-34.
  9. ‘Urban Poor Women and Their Maternal Health: A Case Study of Patna M.C. Area’ in the book’ Urban Poverty: Issues and Challenges’ (ISBN 81-85891-25-8) edited by Sister Maria Rashmi A.C., Debjani Sarkar (Ghose) and Amrita Chowdhury; published by the Rajesh Publications, New Delhi in September, 2013: 196-212.
  10. ‘Falling Sex Ratio and Growing Gender Gap in India with special reference to Bihar’ published in the book ‘Indian Women Problems and Concerns’(ISBN:978-93-81313-21-3) edited by Choudhury, Poonam and Singh, Damodar by Janaki Prakashan, Patna in September, 2013: 117-127.
  11. ‘Bong Connection’ Published in the book ‘Rediscovering Bihar’ edited by Chaudhary, Pranav by The Times Group, Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd, Kolkata in 2012: 80-90.
Articles in Research Journals
  1. ‘Journey to Empowerment of Rural Women and the role of NGOs: A Case Study of ‘Manthan’, Biharpublished in ‘Wisdom Herald’ (ISSN 2231-1483), Volume XII, No. 3&4, UGC Journal No. 40878, July-December 2021, Society for Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Delhi: 85-92.
  2. ‘Territorial and Sectoral Pattern of Child Health in Patna City, Bihar, Indiapublished in ‘Regional Symbiosis’ (ISSN 0972-2041), Volume 23, 2015, Institute for Regional Development Studies, Kanpur, India: 134-146.
  3. ‘Impact of Social Environment on the Quality of Life of Working Women in Patna’ published in ‘Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science’ (ISSN: 2277-2022), Volume 5, Year 5, published from B.N. College, Patna University in August, 2015: 54-63.
  4. ‘Urban Cross-Cultural Conflicts: A Case Study of Bengali Community of Patna M.C. Area’ in ‘Geographical Perspective’ (ISSN 0970-809X), Volume 15, Journal published by the Association of Geographers Bihar and Jharkhand (AGBJ), in December, 2014: 121-128.
  5. ‘Pattern of Reproductive and Child Health of the Urban Poor: A Case Study of Patna M.C. Area’ published in ‘Explore’ (ISSN 2278-0297 – print and ISSN 2278-6414 – online), Vol. IV, a peer reviewed research journal published from Patna Women’s College, Patna University in April, 2014: 108-116.
  6. ‘Status of Child Health among the Urban Poor of India’ published in ‘Anveshika’ (ISSN: 2231-0215), Vol. 4, Year 4, a research journal published from B.N. College, Patna University in March, 2014: 34-40.
  7. ‘Impact of Growing City Traffic on Urban Environment of Patna M.C. Area’ published in ‘Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science’ (ISSN: 2277-2022), Volume 3, Year 3, published from B.N. College, Patna University in August, 2013: 120-126.
  8. ‘Socio-economic Status of Child Labourers in Patna Municipal Corporation Area’ published in ‘Explore’ (ISSN 2278-0297 – print and ISSN 2278-6414 – online), Vol. 2, No. 3, a peer reviewed research journal published from Patna Women’s College, Patna University in September, 2012: 120-127.
  9. ‘Cross-Sectoral Disaster Management and Academia: The Bihar Perspective’ published in ‘Anveshika’ (ISSN: 2231-0215), No. 2, Year 2, a research journal published from B.N. College, Patna University in May, 2012: 52-58.
  10. ‘Pattern of Social Well-being of the Bengalee Community in Patna Municipal Corporation Area’ published in ‘Geographical Review of India’ (ISSN 0375-6386), Volume 73, No. 1, March, 2011, The Geographical Society of India, Calcutta University, Kolkata: 79-89.
  11. ‘Level of Health and Nutrition of Working Women: A Case Study of Patna Municipal Corporation Area, Bihar, Indiapublished in ‘Regional Symbiosis’ (ISSN 0972-2041), Volume 19, 2011, Institute for Regional Development Studies, Kanpur, India: 99-110.
  12. ‘Quality of Life of Working Women: A Case Study of Patna Municipal Corporation Area, Bihar’ published in ‘Geographical Review of India’ (ISSN 0375-6386), Volume 71, No. 2, June, 2009, The Geographical Society of India, Calcutta University, Kolkata: 190-197.
  13. ‘City Transport and Vehicular Traffic: A Problem of Urban Infrastructure in Bihar (A Case Study of Patna)’ published in ‘Geographical Perspective’, Volume 9, Journal published by the Association of Geographers Bihar and Jharkhand (AGBJ), in October 2008: 69-73.
  14. ‘Samajik Unnayan: Ekti Bhougolik Samikkha (Social Well-being: A Geographical Analysis)’ published in ‘Bhoogol Ei Samay’, No. 1, Year 2, published from the Department of Geography, Calcutta University, Kolkata, in November 2007: 12-13.
Paper presented in Seminars/ Webinars
  1. ‘Disaster Preparedness for Sustainable Urban Development: with special reference to the Schools of Patna, Bihar’ in the International Web Conference ‘Understanding Urban Ecosystem and Moving Towards Sustainability’, organized by the Department of Geography, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) in Collaboration with Loreto College, Kolkata from 22nd to 24th August, 2022.
  2. ‘E-Learning Mechanism for Geography: The Pandemic Perspective’ in the 43rd Indian Geography Congress of NAGI (National Association of Geographers India), organized online by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from 28th to 30th October, 2021.
  3. ‘Viability and Credibility of e-learning during Pandemic: A Case Study of Patna University Colleges’ in the International Web Conference on ‘COVID-19 Pandemic from the Eyes of Geography – Global, National and Regional Perspectives’ organized by the Department of Geography, Gauhati University in collaboration with Commonwealth Geographical Bureau on 11th & 12th September, 2020.
  4. ‘Journey to Empowerment of Rural Women and the role of NGOs: A Case Study of ‘Manthan’, Bihar’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Women in Contemporary India: Context and Possibilities’ organized by the Dept. of Home Science, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 18th & 19th September, 2018.
  5. ‘Role of Media in Reproductive and Child Health Communication in Patna District’ in the National Seminar on ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah: Revisiting Paradigms of Wellness’ organized by St. Xavier’s College, Patna and St. Xavier’s College of Management & Technology, Patna, on 08th & 09th April, 2017.
  6. ‘Level of Empowerment among the Working Dalit Women of Patna’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Dalit, Society and Politics – Emerging Trends in Indian Political System’ organized by the Dept. of Political Science, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 06th & 07th February, 2017.
  7. ‘Ecology of Urban Flooding: A Case Study of Patna, Bihar’ in the 6th International Conference of NAGI on ‘Changing Dimension of Water Resources: A Challenge before Mankind’ organized by Nalanda Open University, Patna, on 18th to 20th November, 2016.
  8. ‘Socio-economic Empowerment of Tribal Women: An Eco-feministic View’ in the International Seminar on ‘Challenging Patriarchy: A Humanist Perspective’ organized by the Departments of Political Science and History, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, in collaboration with Women Development Corporation, Patna and Centre for Gender Studies, Patna  on 26th to 28th October, 2016.
  9. ‘Quality of Life of the Women Workforce of Patna’ in the International Conference on ‘Gender Issues: Priorities and Challenges’ organized by the Centre for Gender Studies, Patna in collaboration with Magadh Mahila College and Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 07th to 09th February, 2016.
  10. ‘Status of Disaster Preparedness Infrastructures in the Secondary Schools of Patna’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Development and Management of Urban Infrastructure in India: Growth, Constraints and Prospects’ organized by the Dept. of Geography, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 18th & 19th January, 2016.
  11. ‘Reproductive Health Awareness and Role of ICT: A Case Study of Patna District’ in the National Seminar on ‘ICT and Women Empowerment’ organized by the Department of Computer Science, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 22nd January, 2015.
  12. ‘Cross-cultural Conflicts Faced by the Bengali Community of Patna’ in the XV Annual Conference of AGBJ (Association of Geographers Bihar & Jharkhand) and ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Development and Locational Conflicts’ organized by the Dept. of Geography, Nirmala College, Ranchi University, on 01st & 02nd December, 2013.
  13. ‘Child Nutrition, Health and Food Security among the Urban Poor of Patna’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Food Security in India: Issues and Challenges’ organized by the Department of Economics, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 29th & 30th August, 2013.
  14. ‘Quality Assessment Mechanism in Distance Education: Challenges and Prospects’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Higher Education for Women through Open University: Issues and Strategies’ organized by the P. G. Department of Home Science, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, on 23rd & 24th August, 2013.
  15. ‘Level of Female Literacy among the Urban Poor of Patna M.C. Area’ in the UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on ‘Female Literacy in Bihar: Progress, Future Prospects and its Psycho-social Impact’ organized by the Department of Psychology, Ganga Devi Mahila College, Patna, Magadh University, on 6th & 7th May, 2013.
  16. ‘The Malady of Child Labour in an Urban Society: A Case Study of Patna M.C. Area’ in the 34th Indian Geography Congress of NAGI (National Association of Geographers India), organized by the Department of Geography, Patna University, from 2nd to 4th November, 2012. 
  17. ‘Impact of Growing City Traffic on Urban Environment: A Case Study of Patna M.C. Area’ in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Urbanization and Changing Status of Environment’ organized by the Department of Geography, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, Ranchi University, on 24th & 25th September, 2012.
  18. ‘Deforestation, Environmental Degradation and Forest Conservation in Bihar’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environment Degradation: Issues and Challenges’ organized by the Department of Geography, Gulzarbagh Women’s College, Patna, Magadh University, on 7th & 8th September, 2012.
  19. ‘Reproductive Rights of Indian Women: An Analysis’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights: Role of Non-state Actors’ organized by the Department of Political Science, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 28th & 29th February, 2012.
  20. ‘Urban Poor Women and their Maternal Health: A Case Study of Patna M.C. Area’ in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Urban Poverty: Issues and Challenges’ organized by the Department of Geography, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, on 24th & 25th January, 2012.
  21. ‘Sustainable Urban Development in India: Issues and Prospects’ in the National Seminar on ‘Rural-Urban Continuum and Regional Development in India’ organized by Department of Geography, Patna University, Under the Auspices of UGC–DRS– (SAP) on 30th & 31st March, 2011.
  22. ‘Disaster Mitigation in Bihar: Role of the Academia’ in the National Seminar on ‘Development Needs of Bihar and Justification of Special Status Demand for the State of Bihar’ organized by the Department of Geography, Patna University on 23rd and 24th February, 2011.
  23. ‘Falling Sex Ratio and Growing Gender Gap in India with Special Reference to Bihar’, in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Gender Equality – A Historical Perspective’, organized by the Department of History, Sri Arvind Mahila College, Magadh University at Patna on 09th & 10th January, 2011.
  24. ‘City Transport and Vehicular Traffic: A Problem of Urban Infrastructure in Bihar (A Case Study of Patna)’, in the IXth Annual Conference of Association of Geographers Bihar and Jharkhand (AGBJ) and National Seminar on ‘Urbanization and Regional Development in Bihar and Jharkhand’, organized by AGBJ and Nalanda Open University, Patna at Patna on 09th & 10th December, 2007.
  25. ‘Elderly Population in India: The Socio-Economic Implications’, in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Human Development in Multi-Religious and Multi-Cultural Societies: South Asian Experience’, organized by the Nalanda Open University, Patna at Patna on 30th & 31st March, 2007.
  26. ‘Contemporary Trends in Indian Geography: The Need for A Rethink’, in the 28th Indian Geography Congress of National Association of Geographers India (NAGI), organized by the Department of Geography, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya from 10th to 12th November, 2006.
  27. ‘Population Pressure and Forest Degradation in Bihar’, in the National Seminar on ‘Development Constraints in Bihar’, organized by the School of Social Sciences, Nalanda Open University, Patna at Patna on 29th & 30th March, 2006.
  28. ‘Social Disorder – An Indicator of Well-being Conditions: A Case Study of Bengali Community in Patna Municipal Corporation Area’, in UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Social Well-being and Human Development’, organized by the Department of Geography, B.N. College, Patna University at Patna on 25th & 26th March, 2006.
  29. ‘Renewable Energy for Sustainable Rural Lifestyle with Particular reference to Solar Energy’, in UGC sponsored National Conference on ‘Environmental Education for Sustainable Lifestyles’ organized by the Department of Zoology, Patna Women’s College, P.U., at Patna on 10th & 11th February, 2006.
  30. ‘The Geopolitical Scenario of Indian Subcontinent: Impact of Geographical Features’, in UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Geopolitics and Conflict Resolution’, organized by the Department of Geography, B.N. College, Patna University at Patna from 27th to 29th November, 2004.
Participation in Faculty Development & Training Programmes/ Workshops:
  1. Participated in RUSA Sponsored 6 Day Workshop on ‘Capacity Building for IQAC Functioning and Accreditation Process’ organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) from 10th to 15th March, 2022.
  2. Participated in RUSA Sponsored 5 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Creating Positive Work Culture: Strategy for Quality and Excellence’ organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) in collaboration with St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur from 23rd to 27th June, 2021.
  3. Participated in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy 5 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Capacity Building’ organised by University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun from 12th to 16th October, 2020.
  4. Participated in the 5 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Curriculum Development for Outcome Based Education’ organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) from 28th September to 03rd October, 2020.
  5. Participated in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy 5 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Technology Management’ organised by Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) from 21st to 25th September, 2020.
  6. Participated in the 7 Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Institutional Benchmarking of Best Practices’ organised by Shri Mallikarjun and Shri Chetan Manju Desai College, Canacona, Goa from 08th to 14th June, 2020.
  7. Participated in ‘CONNECT’, a 6 Day Workshop on ‘Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management, Motivation, Winning Negotiation and Teaching Ethics’ conducted by Sociatrix Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. organized at Patna Women’s College, from 03rd to 08th October, 2012.
  8. Participated in a Workshop on ‘Methodology for the preparation of State Disaster Management Plan of Bihar’ organized by Department of Disaster Management, Government of Bihar in collaboration with the Inter Agency Group Bihar on 3rd March, 2011.
  9. Participated in 6 Day Training cum Workshop for Non-Biology College Teachers on ‘Environmental Science’, organized by the Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy (LIFE) at Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu from 06th to 11th September, 2004.