Dear Alumni,
Greetings to all!!
It is time now to think about the purpose of our association .Now that we have become a bigger group ,we need to think about concrete programs to be undertaken by the association.
# Please get yourself registered either online or offline ( through the Department of Philosophy). Registration charge is Rs .1500/only-.If there is any problem in online payment mode,do inform us.
# We would be glad to receive you in large numbers during the Alumni meet on 21st Dec 19 in the college.
# In case ,you are not able to be present on 21st Dec19,you may still register yourself by paying Rs 1500/-only, which will be utilized on the same day in conducting Christmas Milan program with transgender friends and rickshaw pullers.
# We have come to know that most of our alumni are very active in doing social work and awareness campaign. So we would like to have a short report on community extension service (along with 1 or 2 photograph) that you are rendering.
Online Payment is going on through Internet Banking, UPI, Credit Cards, Debit Card. All Debit Cards registered for online payment can be used for transaction.For any queries or for sending reports kindly mail to email id