Explore –Journal of Research
Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2278–0297 (Print)
ISSN 2278–6414 (Online)
Vol. XIV No. 2, 2022
© Patna Women’s College, Patna, India
Big Data Analytics Approach in Education
• Satya • Prasanna Jha
Received : April 2022
Accepted : May 2022
Corresponding Author : Satya
Abstract : This chapter introduces our readers to big educational data and how that data may be analyzed to give insights into many stakeholders and empower data-driven decisions regarding educational quality improvement. We present different techniques and popular applied scientific methods for data analysis and manipulation, such as analytics and other analytical approaches such as learning, academic, and visual analytics for the research and exploitation of big educational data and examples of how these techniques and methods could be used. The notion of educational quality enhancement is offered in connection to
two factors: (a) to improve science and its influence on various processes in education such as learning, education, and academic processes, and (b) as a result, we introduce our readers to the idea of extensive educational data and how such data may be analyzed to offer insights into the practical application and execution of the analytical principles provided. The setting of health professions education is utilized to illustrate the various principles.
Keywords : Big data, educational data, data-driven decisions, data analytics, learning analytics
MCA Student
Amity Institute of Information Technology
Amity University, Patna
Email-id: satyadubey6869@gmail.com
Prasanna Jha
Asst. Professor
Amity Institute of Information Technology
Amity University, Patna
Email-id: pkumar3@ptn.amity.edu