Dr. Kumari Soni
Ph.D, M.B.A, BBA
VIDWAN ID: 349828
ORCID ID : 0009-0004-9737-083X
Name: Dr. Kumari Soni |
Gender : Female |
Department : Assistant Professor, BBA |
Educational qualification:
- D. the Department of Commerce and Business Administration, Lalit Narayan Mithila University.
- MBA (HR) , Pune University.
- Post-Graduation with science stream (Zoology), L.N.M.U. Darbhanga
- Sc Zoology (H) , J.N. College, Mahbubani, L.N.M.U. Darbhanga
- 12TH , B.S.E.Council.
- 10th , B.S.E.Board
Work Experience :
Organization: Cimage, Patna
Designation: Assistant Professor
Duration: August,2019 to June,2022
Details of Research papers Published SI No. Title of the papers ,Name of journal ISSN Vol./No. Date (DD-MM-YY)
- “Impact of stress on employees of banks: Indian Context” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research, ISSN: 2455-4588; Volume 4; Issue 6, November 2019; Page No. 43-45
- “Stress Management in Indian banking: An Overview” International Journal of Commerce and Management Research ISSN:2455-1627, Volume 6; Issue 1;
- International Seminar on the “Role of Human Resource Management in EconomicDevelopment” on 6th and 7th December ,2016 organized by Akhil Bhartiya Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahasangh, L.N.Mithila University, Darbhanga Unit.
- International Seminar on the topic “Traditional and Modern method of Water conservation” on 24th January 2017, Organized by University Department of Sanskrit, L. N. Mithila University , Darbhanga.
- International Conference on “Social Entrepreneurship – A New Platform” on 8th -9th December,2017 Organized by University Department of Commerce and Business Administration, L. N . Mithila University,Darbhanga
- International conference on the “Online Education after Covid-19: Challenges and Opportunities” on 24th-25th September 2021. Organized by University Department of Commerce and Business Administration, L.N. Mithila University,