Dr. Piyush Kumar Rai
Ph.D, M.Sc
Vidwan- ID: 355227
Orcid – ID: 0009-0007-4382-9774
- Name : Dr. Piyush Kumar Rai
- E-mail : raipiyush518@gmail.com
- Gender : Male
- Department : Botany
- Five years of teaching experience.
- Organized Rusa Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends In Multidisciplinary Research ( ICETMR 2023).
- Received Certificate of excellence in research 2023, Organized by 5th Bihar chhatra Sansad .
- Received Best Researcher award in Science 2022, Organized by Patna Women’s College,
- Member of Green Audit Committee from 2022 to till now.
- Member of College Sports Committee from 2022 to till
- Member of Vigyan Utsav Committee (28th February 2022)
- Core Team member of Project Abhyuday (15/03/2022).
- Participating and Oral Presentation Certificate of 103rd Indian Science Congress Association held at University of Mysore, Mysore from January 3-7.
- Participating and Paper Presentation Certificate of 102nd Indian Science Congress Association held at University of Mumbai from January 3-7,
- Attended 6th National Teachers Science Congress on “A Program of National Council for Science and Technology” Govt. of India held at Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi (U.P) November 8-11,
- Attended International Conference on “Recent Trends in Life Science Researcher vis-avis National Resource Management Sustainable Development and Human Welfare” held at Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh,
- Actively Participated in ‘National Cadet Core’ (NCC) – ‘Air Wing’ and Passed ‘B’ Certificate
- Sharma, N ; Singh ,K,V ; Kumar , S ; Lee, Y ; Rai , K , P ; (2020) Investigation of molecular and Elemental changes in rice grain infected by false smut disease using FTIR, LIBS and WDXRF Spectroscopic techniques; Journal of Applied Physics B 126(7) LCCN: 98640743
- Sharma ,N ; Singh ,K,V ; Lee ,Y ; Kumar ,S ; Rai , K, P ; Pathak , A, K (2020 ) Analysis of Mineral Elements in Medicinal Plant Samples Using LIBS and ICP- OES : Journal of Atomic Spectroscopy 41 (6) , 234-241 . ISSN: 0195- 5373
- Sharma ,N ; Khajuria , Y ; Singh ,K,V; Kumar , S; Lee, Y ; Rai , K, P ( 2020) Study of Molecular and Elemental Changes in Nematode- infected Roots in Papaya Plant Using FTIR, LIBS and WDXRF Spectroscopic; Journal of Atomic Spectroscopy 41 (3) , 110- 118 ISSN: 0915- 5373
- Singh , K,V; Sharma , N ; Verma , N,O ; Tripathi , K, D ; Lee, Y ; Rai , K, P ; Kumar ,S ( 2020) Application of LIBS to Elemental Analysis and Mapping of Plant Samples: Journal of Atomic Spectroscopy 42 (2) , (99-113 ) ISSN : 0915- 5373
- Naz , H ; Ahmad , N ; Rai , K , P ( 2020) Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles on the seedling of the plants belonging to the Fabaceae family: Journal of Advance Scientific Research 11(3) ISSN : 0976- 9595
- Rai , K, P ; R ,Sonam ; Trivedi , P, M ; Sinha ,K,U; (2017) Phytochemical compound from the Seeds of Psoralea Corylifolia: Journal of Patna Science College 5(192-195) ISSN: 2347-
- Rai, K, P; P, Prerna (2016): Medicinal value of Psoralea Corylifolia in Psoriasis: Journal of Patna Science College 4(59-60) ISSN: 2347-9604.
- Rai, K,P ; Trivedi, P, M (2015): Floristic Diversity of Sanjay Gandhi Botanical Garden, Patna : Journal of Patna Science College 3(81-84) ISSN : 2347-9604.
- Rai, K , P; Sinha ,K, U (2014) , Cultivation Trail of Babchi: Journal of Patna Science College 2(17-20) ISSN: 2347-9604.
- Sinha,U,K ; Rai, K , P; (2013), Ethno- botanical Plants used by the Traditional healers of Buxar District, Bihar ; Mendel International 30.1-4 (71-77) ISSN: 0970-9649.
- Sinha, K ,U; Rai, K, P ; (2011) : Folk Herbal Remedies for Treating Diarrhoea in Buxar”, Indian journal of Environmental Science ISSN: 0971-8958.
- Rai, K,P; Sinha,U,K;(2010): An Indian Herb for Leucoderma Patients; Journal of Rural Development 58(47-48) ISSN : 0021-5660.
- Sinha,U,K; Rai, K, P (2009) Ethno medicinal plant used in the treatment of diabetes”. International journal of Pharmacology in Book Pharmaceutical science and Toxicology 6(25-31) ISSN: 81-85543-09-7.
- Sinha , K, U ; Rai , K, P ; Pandit , V (2009) Study of some Medicinal Plants used in Leucoderma , Indian journal of Hemotology and Ecotoxicology . 4 (2)
- Sinha , K , U and Rai , K, P (2009) Study of some Indigenous Medicinal Plants found d in Buxar and are used in the treatment of Cutaneous affection ; Journal of Biological Sciences ( NESA) 8 ( 121-124)
- Rai , K, P ; ( 2022) Determination of Iron Content in Drinking water of Patna ( Bihar ) , India . V 12 , 321-328
- Rai, K, P ; (2022) Study of Withania somnifera as Immunity Booster and Therapeutic The international journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis. V14I02.200001, 433 – 442