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Dr. Sahar Rahman

Dr. Sahar Rahman

M.A(English), B.Ed.,Ph.D
Vidwan-ID : 340031
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4096-5168

  • Name:Dr. Sahar Rahman
  • Gender: Female
  • Department: English
Areas of interest:
  • Postcolonial Literature and Theory
  • Indian English Literature
  • Black American Women’s Writing
Professional Experience: (20+ years)
  • Teaching in the department of English, Patna Women’s College since July 2003
  • Language Trainer for Pathways to Higher Education sponsored by Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access (FAEA) programme of the Ford Foundation from 2005 to 2008.
Administrative Responsibilities:
  • Head, Department of English, Patna Women’s College since 4th June 2021
  • Chairperson, Board of Studies, Department of English, Patna Women’s College
  • Member, Academic Council, Patna Women’s College
  • Placement incharge, Patna Women’s College since 2005
  • Coordinator of the Add on Certificate Course in German Language
Other Responsibilities:
  • Secretary, Departments Council, Patna Women’s College
  • Area Coordinator and Member, Research Committee, Patna Women’s College
  • Member of various committees at the college and university level
Ph.D Supervision
  • Thesis titled ‘Speech, Sign and Space in the select plays of Harold Pinter’ awarded Ph.D degree under my supervision on 27th September 2022.
  • Thesis titled ‘Lawrence’s idea of Instinct’ awarded Ph.D degree under my supervision on 18th August, 2021.
  • Thesis titled ‘Indian Politics in Fiction and Non-fiction of Shashi Tharoor’ awarded Ph.D degree under my supervision on 3rd April, 2018.
  • Currently supervising four Research Scholars for the award of Ph.D degree.
  • Have supervised Undergraduate Research Projects under the CPE Scheme of Patna Women’s College
Projects undertaken:
  • Worked on a project entitled ‘Bridging the Gap – A course in Remedial English’, a part of the three-year project on ‘Innovative Teaching: An Interdisciplinary and Experimental Approach’ at Patna Women’s College, Patna, which comes under Colleges Humanities and Social Sciences Improvement Programmes of the UGC
Editor: Literary Journals
  •  Research, a bi annual refereed Research journal of English Studies
  • Member, Editorial Board, Explore, the Research journal of Patna Women’s College (both print and online)

Edited a book titled Child Studies: Children in English Literatures
Rajesh Publications, New Delhi. 2015 (ISBN: 978-93-83684-14-4)
Research Papers in Journals:
Research papers in UGC CARE / Peer reviewed journals:
Name of the Journal: Madhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences

ISSN:0974-0066 UGC Care Approved, Group IVolume:Vol. 83, No. 13, January-June 2023
Title of the Paper:  Study of class in Rural Society in select Indian English Novels
  1. Name of the Journal: Remarkings (Peer Reviewed)
ISSN:  0972-611X Volume: Vol.21 No.1 March 2022
Title of the Paper: Representation of Indian Muslim Women in
Indian English Fiction and Non-Fiction
  1. Name of the Journal: Motifs (Peer Reviewed)
Print ISSN: 2454-1745
Online ISSN: 2454-1753

Volume: 7, 2021 

Title of the Paper: Cultural Study of the Indian Village as portrayed in select Indian English Novels


  1. Name of the Journal: Explore

ISSN: 2278-0297 (Print)

ISSN: 2278-6414 (Online)

          UGC approved list of journals no:  64404

          Volume: Vol. XI No 2, 2019

          Title of the paper: Decoding Children’s Fiction

(Corresponding author)


  1. Name of the Journal:  Research (Peer Reviewed)

Volume:  Volume 17, No 1

Issue:       Spring 2017                        

ISSN No:  0972-7663

Title of the Paper: The Origin and Evolution of Science Fiction: A Survey



  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                       Volume 16, No 1

Issue:                            Spring 2016

ISSN No:                      ISSN: 0972-7663

Title of the Paper:   Representation of Gandhian Politics at the Village Level: A Postcolonial Study of Kanthapura


  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                       Volume 15, No 2

Issue:                            Autumn 2015

ISSN No:                      ISSN: 0972-7663

Title of the Paper:     Environmental Concerns in Fiction: An Eco-Critical Study of Select Indian English Novels



  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                       Volume 14, No 1

Issue:                            Spring 2014

ISSN No:                      ISSN: 0972-7663

Title of the Paper:     Middle Passage of a Coolie Woman in Sea of Poppies



  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                       Volume 13, No 1

Issue:                            Spring 2013

ISSN No:                      ISSN: 0972-7663

Title of the Paper: From a Turbulent Childhood to an Abnormal Adulthood: A Study of Rahel and Estha in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things


  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                      Vol 11, No 2

Issue:                          Autumn2011

ISSN No:                    ISSN: 0972-7663

           Title of the Paper:       Arundhati Roy’s Experiments with English Language: 

A  Postcolonial Study of The God of Small Things



  1. Name of the Journal:  Research

Volume:                      Vol 10, No 2

Issue:                          Autumn 2010

ISSN No:                    ISSN: 0972-7663

           Title of the Paper:        Cultural Elements in Translation: A Study of               

                                                 Premchand’s Godan



     Chapters in Books:


  1. Name of the Book: Excellence in Higher Education: Emerging Concerns and the Road Ahead

ISBN No:      ISBN: 978-81-94687-78-8

Publication: Rajesh Publications, New Delhi

Edition:         2020

Title of the Chapter: A Critique of Choice Based Credit System


  1. Name of the Book:       Child Studies: Children in English Literatures

ISBN No:                      ISBN: 978-93-83684-14-4

Publication:                  Rajesh Publications, New Delhi

          Edition:                         2015

         Title of the Chapter:      Race and Gender in Toni Morrison:

                                                 A Study of Pecola in  The Bluest Eye


  1. Name of the Book:       Contemporary Indian English Fiction

ISBN No:                      ISBN: 978-93-82630-20-3

Publication:                  Aadi Publications, Jaipur

          Edition:                         2014

         Title of the Chapter:      Destruction of Indian Village Life: A Postcolonial Study of Amitav Ghosh’s The Circle of Reason



  1. Name of the Book:       Novel and Society

ISBN No:                      ISBN: 978-81-908526-1-6

Publication:                  AMS Publication, Patna

          Edition:                         2010

         Title of the Chapter:      Partition and the Indian Village: A Study of                        

                                         Train to Pakistan

Resource Person in International FDP/Conference/Seminar

  • Delivered a guest lecture on the topic ‘Postcolonialism and Neocolonialism: Histories and Contexts’ in a Seven-day International Online Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary Theories: Challenges and Possibilities on 14/12/2021 organised by Vasanta College for Women, Varanasi

Sessions chaired in International and National Seminar/Conference:

  • International Conference on Women and Migration: Vulnerability, Challenges and Prospects in the Present Time organized by Department of Economics, Patna Women’s College on 17th and 18th May, 2022.
  • International Conference on Resistance and Assimilation: Voices of the Subalterns organized by Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 30th January
  • National Seminar on Women in Contemporary India: Contexts and Possibilities organized by Patna Women’s College on 18th and 19th September, 2019
  • National Seminar on Excellence in Higher Education: Emerging Concerns and the Road Ahead organized by the IQAC of Patna Women’s College from 8th to 9th February 2019.

Faculty Development Programme:

  1. Participated in a five-day Faculty Development Programme on Innovations in Teaching Pedagogy and Research Trends from 3rd July to 7th July, 2023 organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College
  1. Participated in a five-day online Faculty Development Programme on Exploring Globalised Space(s): Contemporary Trends in Literature and Language from 12th July to 6th July, 2021 organised by Amity Institute of English Studies and Research, Amity University, Kolkata
  2. Participated in a five-day online Faculty Development Programme on Creating a Positive Work Culture: Strategy for Quality and Excellence from 23rd June to 27th June,2021 organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College
  3. Participated in a five-day online Faculty Development Programme on Curriculum Development for Outcome Based Education from 28th September to 3rd October, 2020 organised by IQAC, Patna Women’s College
  4. Participated in a five-day online Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary ICT to Facilitate Constructivist Learning of Digital Natives from 22nd May to 28th May, 2020 organised by Auxilium College, Vellore

 Research Papers presented in International and National Seminars & Conferences:

  1. Presented a Research paper entitled Exploring Black Womanhood through Intersectional Lens: A Study of Narrative Strategies of Black American Women Novelists at a RUSA sponsored two-day International Virtual Conference on Intersections of Gender: Texts and Contexts organised by Department of English, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) Patna University from 26th to 27th April, 2022
  2. Presented a Research paper entitled The Co-existence of Elitism and                     Subalternity in Indian Muslim Women: A Study of Sunlight on a Broken Column and Tara Lane at a National Seminar on Human Development: Contemporary Issues and Challenges organized by St. Xavier’s College of Management and Technology, Patna on 8th February 2020.
  3. Presented a Research paper entitled Voices of Muslim Women in Indian English Fiction: Articulation and Silence at an International Conference on Resistance and Assimilation: Voices of the Subalterns organized by Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on 30th January 2020.
  4. Presented a Research paper entitled Perpetuating Gender Stereotypes: A Study of Select Fairy Tales at a National Seminar on Women Empowerment: Revisioning Identities and Building Strategies for a Participatory Society organized by St. Xavier’s College of Management and Technology, Patna from 23 to 24 February 2019.
  5. Presented a paper entitled Compulsion or Choice: A Critique of Choice Based Credit System in a NAAC sponsored National Seminar on Excellence in Higher Education: Emerging Concerns and the Road Ahead organized by the IQAC of  Patna Women’s College from 8th to 9th February 2019.
  6. Presented a Research paper entitled Science as a Tool for Emancipation of Women: A Study of Sultana’s Dream at an International Conference on Gender Issues: Possibilities and Challenges organized by the Centre For Gender Studies, Patna from 17th-19th Nov 2017.
  7. Presented a Research paper entitled God of Small Things as a Dalit Novel at a UGC sponsored National Seminar on Dalit, Society and Politics – Emerging Trends in Indian Political System organized by the Dept. of Political Science, Patna Women’s College from 6th-7th February 2017.
  8. Presented a Research paper entitled Politics of Race and Gender at an International Seminar on Challenging Patriarchy: A Humanist Perspective organized by the Dept. of Political Science and the dept. of History, Patna Women’s College from 26th-28th October 2016.
  9. Presented a Research paper entitled Structure of Gender in Literature: A Critique of Select Novels by Indian English Women Writers at an International Conference on Gender Issues: Priorities and Challenges organized by the Centre For Gender Studies, Patna from 7th-9th Feb 2016.
  10. Presented a Research paper entitled Race and Gender in Toni Morrison: A Study of Pecola in The Bluest Eye at a UGC sponsored National Seminar on Representation of Children in English Literatures organized by the Dept. of English, Patna Women’s College from 6th-7th February 2012.
  11. Presented a Research paper entitled Famine and Migration in colonial India as represented in Bhabani Bhattacharya’s So Many Hungers in a UGC sponsored National Seminar on Urban Poverty: Issues and Challenges organized by the Dept. of Geography, Patna Women’s College from 24th-25th January 2012.
  12. Presented a paper on The Impact of Colonialism and Freedom Movement on rural Indian Women: A Postcolonial Feminist Study of Two Leaves and a Bud and Kanthapura in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Gender Equality: A Historical Perspective organised by the Department of History, Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna from 9th-10th January 2011.
  13. Presented a paper in the 5th International Congress on English Grammar on Language Engineering and Information Technology from 6th to 11th January 2008 on ‘Postcolonial Elements in Arundhati Roy: A Linguistic Study of The God of Small Things.’
  14. Presented a paper entitled ‘Feminist Consciousness in Sunlight on a Broken Column’ in an International Seminar on ‘Feminist Consciousness in South Asian Literature’ organized by Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Lucknow from 3rd to 4th November  2006.
  15. Presented a paper entitled ‘Exposing Patriarchy: A Postcolonial Study of Nectar in a sieve’ in a National Seminar on ‘New Literatures in English: Issues and Trends’ organized by B.N.College, Patna on 19th and 20th February 2006.


Awards / Certificates:

  • Academic Excellence Award in March 2022
  • Exemplary Teacher Award in July 2015

 Languages known:

Fluent in English, Urdu & Hindi

Can read Arabic and Persian