Dr. Vivek Raj
Ph.D, M.Tech, GATE
Vidwan ID: 349330
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4357-2506
- Name: Dr. Vivek Raj
- Gender: Male
- Department: Biotechnology
- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Specialization : Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Cancer Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Environmental Biotechnology
- Email: dr.vivekraj07bt@gmail.com
- Over 3 years of teaching experience. Imparted teaching as Guest Teacher in Dept. Of Biotechnology at Patna Science College, Patna (Bihar).
Research Experience :
- Worked as Postdoc Intern in ICMR Project entitled “Assessment of Female reproductive health and child health risks in Arsenic exposed population of Bihar” from 09/08/2021 at Mahavir Cancer Sansthan, Patna (Bihar).
Date of Joining (Patna Women’s College): 01.08.2022
- Qualified GATE-2014
- Member of organizing committee for the One-day International Seminar on “International Seminar on Gallbladder Cancer (ISGBC)” Organised by Mahavir Cancer Sansthan & Research Centre, Patna, Bihar, India in association with Graduate School of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo, Japan on 18th June 2022.
- Vivek Raj. Isolation, characterization and molecular phylogeny of multiple metal tolerant and antibiotics resistant bacteria isolated from river Ganga in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol.17, Issue No.1, March 2020, E-ISSN:2230-9659, DOI: 10.29070/JAST http://ignited.in/I/a/304813
- Vivek Raj. Metagenomic analysis reveals bacterial and fungal diversity and their bioremediation potential from sediments of river Ganga near Patna in Journal of Advances and Scholarly researches in allied education, Vol.16, Issue No.1, January 2019, E-ISSN:2230-7540, DOI: 10.29070/JASRAE http://ignited.in/I/a/303733
- Vivek Raj. River Ganga water as a reservoir of microbes with antibiotics and metal ion resistance gene: High throughput metagenomic approach. in Journal of Advances and Scholarly researches in allied education, Vol.15, Issue No.3, May 2018, E-ISSN:2230-7540,DOI: 10.29070/JASRAE http://www.ignited.in/I/a/303732
- Vivek Raj. Evaluation of parents and F1 generation breeding materials of rice (Oryza sativa) for submergence stress tolerance through molecular (SSR) markers in Napier Indian advanced research journal of science, Vol.No.14, March 2014.ISSN:0975-1726
Book Chapters:
- Arun Kumar, Vivek Raj, Abhinav Srivastava, Mohammad Ali, Ashok Kumar Ghosh, Mahesh Rachamalla, and Dhruv Kumar “Autophagy in arsenic exposed population and cancer patients” Elsevier (2022)https://www.elsevier.com/books/autophagy-and-metabolism/kumar/978-0-323-99879-6