S.no. | Course | Semester | Paper Code/Paper Name | Topic | Faculty Member Name | Uploaded on (date) | Link | |
1 | Zoology | NA | NA | APOPTOSIS | Dr Shahla Yasmin | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
2 | Zoology | NA | NA | ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES | Dr. Joyita Das | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
3 | Zoology | NA | NA | Cell Signaling Class | Dr Shahla Yasmin | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
4 | Zoology | NA | NA | General Characteristics and Classification of Echinodermata | Dr. Rachna Sahay | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
5 | Zoology | NA | NA | LARVAL FORMS OF ECHINODERMATA | Dr. Rachna Sahay | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
7 | Zoology | NA | NA | REPRODUCTION IN PROTISTS | NA | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
8 | Zoology | NA | NA | TRANSPORT ACROSS MEMBRANE | NA | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
9 | B.Sc | Semester -II | CC-203 | GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CTENOPHORA | Dr. Shobha Shrivastava | shrivastava.shobha07@gmail.com | 20/04/2020 | Download |
10 | B.Sc | Semester -II | CC-204 | Golgi Apparatus | Dr. Shobha Shrivastava | shrivastava.shobha07@gmail.com | 20/04/2020 | Download |
11 | B.Sc | Semester -II | CC-204 | Lysosomes | Dr. Shobha Shrivastava | shrivastava.shobha07@gmail.com | 20/04/2020 | Download |
12 | B.Sc | Semester -II | CC-203 | SOCIAL LIFE IN INSECTS | Dr. Shobha Shrivastava | shrivastava.shobha07@gmail.com | 20/04/2020 | Download |
13 | B.Sc | Semester -II | CC-203 | SOCIAL LIFE IN TERMITES | Dr. Shobha Shrivastava | shrivastava.shobha07@gmail.com | 20/04/2020 | Download |
14 | NA | Semester -II | MZOOCC – 208 | Biosystematics and Taxonomy | NA | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
15 | NA | Semester -IV | CC 409 | Diffusion and Transport of Respiratory Gases | Prof (Dr.) Shahla Yasmin | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
16 | NA | Semester -II | CC 409 | PH Meter | DR. SAPNA KUMARI | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
17 | NA | Semester -IV | CC409 | Regulation of Respiration or lung ventilation | Prof (Dr.) Shahla Yasmin | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
18 | NA | Semester -IV | CC408 | Comparative anatomy of heart in vertebrates | Prof (Dr.) Shahla Yasmin | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
19 | NA | Semester -IV | CC409 | 01 PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION - MECHANICAL DIGESTION | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
20 | NA | Semester -IV | CC409 | 02 PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION - MECHANICAL DIGESTION | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
21 | NA | Semester -IV | CC409 | 03 PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION - MECHANICAL DIGESTION | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
22 | NA | Semester -IV | CC408 | COMPARITIVE ANATOMY OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM IN VERTEBRATES | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
23 | NA | Semester -II | CC203 | EXCRETION IN ANNELIDA | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
24 | NA | Semester -II | CC408 | MECHANISM OF SPECIATION | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
25 | NA | Semester -II | CC203 | PHYLUM ANNELIDA GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION | Rajeev Ranjan | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
26 | NA | Semester -IV | CC408 | THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM | Dr. Sapna Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
27 | NA | Semester -IV | CC408 | Urea Cycle | Dr. Sapna Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
28 | NA | Semester -II | CC204 | EUCHROMATIN & HETEROCHROMATIN | Dr. Sapna Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
29 | NA | Semester -II | CC204 | FUNCTIONS OF PLASMA MEMBRANE | Dr. Sapna Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
30 | M.Sc | Semester -II | MZOOCC-207 | Concept of Free Energy | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
31 | M.Sc | Semester -II | MZOOCC-207 | Endosymbiotic Hypothesis | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
32 | M.Sc | Semester -IV | ZOO SEC-402 | Packed Cell Volume & Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
33 | M.Sc | Semester -II | 205 | Phosphorous Cycle | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
34 | M.Sc | Semester -IV | ZOO SEC-402 | Platelet Count Using Haemocytometer | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
35 | M.Sc | Semester -II | ZOO CC-204 | Semi- Autonomous Nature of Mitochondria | Dr. Anupma Kumari | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
36 | NA | Semester -IV | ZOO CC408 | Comparative anatomy of aortic arches in vertebrates | Prof (Dr) Shahla Yasmin | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
37 | NA | Semester -III | ZOO CC305 | PARENTAL CARE IN AMPHIBIANS | Dr. Sister M. Stuti A.C | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
38 | NA | Semester -III | ZOO CC305 | PARENTAL CARE IN FISHES | Dr. Sister M. Stuti A.C | NA | 20/04/2020 | Download |
39 | B.Sc | Semester -IV | CC-410 | GLUCONEOGENESIS | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
40 | B.Sc | Semester -IV | CC-410 | GLYCOGENESIS | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
41 | B.Sc | Semester -IV | CC-410 | GLUCOGENOLYSIS | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
42 | B.Sc | Semester -IV | CC-410 | GLYCOLYSIS | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
43 | B.Sc & M.Sc | Semester -IV & Semester II | CC-410 & CC-207 | HMP PATHWAY | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
44 | B.Sc & M.Sc | Semester -IV & Semester II | CC-410 & CC-207 | LINK REACTION & SUMMARY of ETC & ATP SYNTHASE | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
45 | B.Sc | Semester -IV | CC-410 | KREB’S CYCLE | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 21/04/2020 | Download |
46 | M.Sc | Semester -II | SEC-201 | E-waste Management | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 22/04/2020 | Download |
47 | M.Sc | Semester -II | SEC-201 | Solid Waste Management | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 22/04/2020 | Download |
48 | Zoology | NA | CC-409 | Acid Base Balance | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 23/04/2020 | Download |
49 | Zoology | Semester -1 | ZOO CC101 | Schistosoma haematobium | Dr.Sister M.Stuti A.C | NA | 24/04/2020 | Download |
50 | M.Sc | Semester -II | MZOOCC-208 | Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 25/04/2020 | Download |
51 | B.Sc | Year -II | zooCC-409 | C0UNTER CURRENT MECHANISM | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 25/04/2020 | Download |
52 | B.Sc | Semester -II | zooCC-409 | Renal Physiology | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 25/04/2020 | Download |
53 | B.Sc | Semester -II | ZOOCC-408 | Classification of Receptors - I | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 09/05/2020 | Download |
54 | B.Sc | Semester -II | ZOOCC-408 | Classification of Receptors -II | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 09/05/2020 | Download |
55 | B.Sc | Semester -II | ZOOCC-408 | Classification of Receptors -III | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 09/05/2020 | Download |
56 | Zoology | NA | NA | Compartmentalisation of Metabolic Pathways | NA | NA | 09/05/2020 | Download |
56 | Zoology | Semester -IV | CC410 | Overview of Metabolism-I | Dr. Amresh Kumar | amresh27@gmail.com | 09/05/2020 | Download |
57 | B.Sc. | Semester -IV | ZOOCC409 | PHYSIOLOGY OF HEART | Dr. Sister M.Stuti A.C | mstuti07@gmail.com | 11/05/2020 | Download |
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