Parent Teachers Meet – 29/11/2021
Department of Commerce organised Parent Teachers Meet for the students of Semester III on 29th November, 2021. The PTM was conducted in online mode in two separate sessions for Section A and Section B. The students along with their parents joined the Meet on Zoom Platform where they were briefed about the Mission and Vision of the college by Dr. Soofia Fatima, Head of the Department. Parents directly communicated with the teachers regarding development of their wards and their career opportunities.
Parent Teachers Meet – 28/11/ 2021
Department of Commerce organised Parent Teachers Meet for the students of Semester V on 28th October, 2021. The PTM was conducted in online mode in two separate sessions for Section A and Section B. The students along with their parents joined through zoom platform where they were breifed about the Mission and Vision of the College by the Head of Department , Dr. Soofia Fatima. Parents directly communicated with the teachers regarding development of their wards and their career opportunities.