Journal for Young Scientists
ISSN 2278-618X (Print)
ISSN 2278-6384 (Online)
© Patna Women’s College, Patna, India
Population Control in the Light of Awareness and Implementation of Primary and Modern Techniques in Reference to Patna
• Moon • Surabhi Kumari • Anupam Kumari • Ishu Rani
Received : January, 2024
Accepted : February, 2024
Corresponding Author : Moon
Abstract: The world of population control has significance due to its impact on society, resources, and the environment. Different methods and strategies like- education, healthcare, family planning, and social policies can influentially manage population growth.
This research paper will dealwith a lot of censorious issues of population control which is based in Patna, Bihar, India summarizing the global importance of managing population growth. A large portion of this
research focuses not only on trends, demographic factors, and effects of urbanization but also comprises cultural and traditional beliefs in this culturally rich megacity Patna, Bihar.
Keywords: Population, Control, Policies, Challenges, Effects.
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics,
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous),
Bailey Road, Patna–800 001, Bihar, India
E-mail : moon.stat@patnawomenscollege.in
Surabhi Kumari
B.Sc. III year, Statistics (Hons.), Session : 2021-2024,
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous),
Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India
Anupam Kumari
B.Sc. III year, Statistics (Hons.), Session : 2021-2024,
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous),
Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India
Ishu Rani
B.Sc. III year, Statistics (Hons.), Session : 2021-2024,
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous),
Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India