Explore –Journal of Research
Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2278–0297 (Print)
ISSN 2278–6414 (Online)
Vol. XVII, 2024
© Patna Women’s College, Patna, India
Study of Digital Scams: Experiences from the students of Patna Women’s College
•Alok John• Anju Kumari• Ankita Kumari
•lsha Kumari
Received : December, 2023
Accepted : January, 2024
Corresponding Author : Alok John
Abstract : As the digital scams landscape continues to evolve, a comprehensive understanding of the tactics employed by scammers and proactive measures to protect has become increasingly essential. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and utilizing robust protective measures, individuals can enjoy the convenience of digital scams minimizing the risks posed by digital scam (The Great online marketing scam, 13 April 2016).
Understanding the red flags-such as suspicious URLs, unusually attractive deals, or requests for sensitive
informationis crucial for safeguarding oneself against these fraudulent activities. Despite these risks, technological advancements and increased cybersecurity measures aim to mitigate thethreat of digital scams in online shopping. Secure payment gateways, two-factor authentication, and reputable e commerce platforms play a pivotal role in enhancing the securityofonline transactions (Krebs, B., 2018).
Keywords: Digital scams, online shopping, Mails, Messages, Fraud Calls.
Alok John
Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising and Marketing Management (AMM),
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Bailey Road, Patna-800 001, Bihar, India
E-mail: alok.amm@patnawomenscollege.in
Anju Kumari
AMM Ill year, Session: 2021-2024, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India
Ankita Kumari
AMM Ill year, Session: 2021-2024, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India
lsha Kumari
AMM Ill year,Session:2021-2024, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India
With the internet becoming such an integral part of all our lives, is it a surprise that we are more vulnerable to internet scams and internet fraud. So for all those people who want to know about the different ways in which a person can get scammed through internet scams and internet fraud, here in this report we will discuss about student’s experience.
Along with this, you all are going to know more about how fraudsters can gain access to your bank account.
Ignorance is not bliss. In such cases you have to be one step ahead of all the scamsters who benefit from a credulous public.
We have tried to study the digital scams of our own college. By having a survey from each department show very shocking result because many of them has faced this scam by various methods.