Two day Faculty Orientation Programme on 1st July, 2022
Two day Faculty Orientation Programme on Capacity Building and Effective Teaching Learning organised by IQAC, started today on 1st July, 2022 at Patna Women’s College, Autonomous. The resource person for the programme was Dr. Father V. Joseph Xavier S.J. Former Principal, Loyola College Autonomous, Chennai. On the first day, the programme facilitator presented his deliberations on NEP 2020 and Blended Learning. On the concluding day i.e., 2nd July, 2023, Father V. Joseph Xavier S.J., presented his deliberations on Student Mentorship and Managing the Generation Z. Prof. Ameeta Jaiswal, Dean Arts & Humanities proposed the vote of thanks.
150 teachers of the college are participating and being benefitted by the programme. The entire programme is being conducted under the leadership of the Principal Dr. M. Rashmi A.C. under the supervision of the IQAC Coordinators Dr. Amrita Chowdhury and Mr. Alok John.