S.no. | Course | Semester | Paper code/Paper name | Topic | Faculty Member Name | Uploaded on (date) | Link | |
1 | Physics | Semester-2 | PHYGE202 | Electromagnetic Induction part-2 | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 13/04/2020 | Download |
2 | Physics | Semester- 2 | PHYGE202 | Electromagnetic Induction part-1 | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 13/04/2020 | Download |
3 | Physics | Semester- 4 | PHYCC410: Modern Physics | Radioactivity semester-4(unit- 3) | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 11/04/2020 | Download |
4 | Physics | Semester- 4 | PHYCC410: Modern Physics | Laser semester-4(unit- 4) | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 11/04/2020 | Download |
5 | B.Sc. (Hons.) | Semester- 4 | NA | Radioactivity BSC-II | Dr. Rohit Singh | rohitau88@gmail.com | 14/04/2020 | Download |
6 | B.Sc. (Hons.) | Semester- 4 | NA | Introduction to lasers | Dr. Rohit Singh | rohitau88@gmail.com | 14/04/2020 | Download |
7 | B.Sc. (Hons.) | Semester- 6 | NA | Atomic spectra of hydrogenic atoms (BSC-III) | Dr. Rohit Singh | rohitau88@gmail.com | 14/04/2020 | Download |
8 | B.Sc. (Hons.) | Semester- 6 | NA | Problem Set : Atomic Spectra of Hydrogenic Atoms (BSC-III) | Dr. Rohit Singh | rohitau88@gmail.com | 14/04/2020 | Download |
9 | B.SC PHYSICS | Semester- 2 | PHYCC203 | ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION(BSC Sem-II)) | DR KAVITA VERMA | NA | 14/04/2020 | Download |
10 | UG | Semester- 4 | PHYCC410 | Semiconductor Physics | Dr. Amrita | amritaphy@gmail.com | 14/04/2020 | Download |
11 | B. SC. (HONS.) – PHYSICS | Semester- 2 | CC – 204 (WAVE & OPTICS) | Interference Sem-II | DR. ROHIT SINGH | rohitau8@gmailcom | 15/04/2020 | Download |
12 | Physics | Semester- 2 | PHYCC204: Waves and Optics | Waves and Optics Sem-II | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 15/04/2020 | Download |
13 | UG | Semester- 4 | PHYCC410 | Bipolar junction transistors | Dr. Amrita | amritaphy@gmail.com | 15/04/2020 | Download |
14 | Physics | Semester- 2 | PHYCC204: Waves and Optics | Interference waves and optics unit 3 | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 15/04/2020 | Download |
15 | PHYSICS | Semester- 2 | PHYCC204: Waves and Optics | Michelson’s Interferometer Unit 3 | Dr. Aprajita Krishna | krishna.aprajita@gmail.com | 15/04/2020 | Download |
16 | UG | Semester- 2 | PHYCC203 | Moving Charges and Magnetism | Dr. Amrita | amritaphy@gmail.com | 15/04/2020 | Download |
17 | B.SC PHYSICS | Semester- 4 | PHYCC203 | Hybrid parameters | DR KAVITA VERMA | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
18 | B.SC PHYSICS | Semester- 4 | PHYCC410 | CE amplifier | DR KAVITA VERMA | NA | 15/04/2020 | Download |
19 | Physics | Semester- 2 | PHYCC203: Electricity and Magnetism | dielectric properties of matter | Ms. Riekshika Sanwari | riekshikasanwari@gmail.com | 17/04/2020 | Download |
20 | Physics | Semester- 2 | PHYCC203 | Electromagnetic Induction part-2 | Dr. Amrita | NA | 17/04/2020 | Download |
21 | Physics | Semester- IV | PHYCC410 | POWER AMPLIFIER | DR KAVITA VERMA | NA | 22/04/2020 | Download |
22 | Physics | Semester- II | PHYCC203 | Magnetic Properties of materials-2 | Dr. Amrita | amritaphy@gmail.com | 24/04/2020 | Download |
23 | Physics | Semester- II | PHYCC203 | Magnetic Properties of materials-1 | Dr. Amrita | amritaphy@gmail.com | 24/04/2020 | Download |
24 | Physics | Semester- II | PHY GE – 202 | DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF MATTER | DR. ROHIT SINGH | rohitau8@gmailcom | 24/04/2020 | Download |
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