A Workshop on Inclusive Business for Sustainable Development
A Workshop on Inclusive Business for Sustainable Development organised by the Department of Business Administration & Alumni Association, Patna Women’s College.
Date: 18.10.2023
Resource Person: Ms Richa Vatsyayan( Alumna , Patna Women’s College)
A Workshop on “Inclusive Business for Sustainable Livelihood”
The Department of Business Administration and Alumni Association, Patna Women’s College,
Patna organized a Workshop on “Inclusive Business for Sustainable Livelihood”. The Resource
Person was Ms. Richa Vatsayayan, Director Sanitrust and Alumna, Patna Women’s College. She
focused on the significance of the business models and their contribution towards creativity,
innovation and sustainability. Team building exercises was also incorporated in the workshop by
Ms. Richa Vatsyayan to enlighten students on the importance of teams in entrepreneurship and
sustainable development. The President of the Alumni Association and Head, Department of
Philosophy, Dr. Ameeta Jaiswal, Patna Women’s College, Head of the Department of Business
Administration, Dr. Pallawi Ambreesh Kumar, Ms. Kumari Priya, Dr. Ruchita Masih and teachers
from the Department of Commerce were present on the occasion.