IMPACT 2022 -“Career Counseling Workshop”
Organized by: Department of Business Administration in collaboration with
‘International School of Business and Media’, Pune
Date: 03.12.2022
No. of Beneficiaries: 47
Brief Write-up:
On 3rd December 2022, Department of Business Administration in collaboration with ‘International School of Business and Media’, Pune organized IMPACT 2022, Career Counseling Workshop. The workshop started with the welcoming of the Eminent guest by Dr. Pallavi Kumar, Head, Department of Business Administration. The eminent guest for the day was Dr. Pranjali Unkule, Associate Professor and Chairperson Economics, International School of Business and Media, Pune and Mr. Navin Kumar, Coordinator, Patna. Dr. Pranjali Unkule, ISB&M Pune, started the session by introducing the meaning of Career Counseling through a PowerPoint Presentation. She said that career counseling is a process that helps one to know and understand oneself and the world of work in order to make career, educational and life decisions. She also added that Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job one wants to get when one graduates. She also said one needs good knowledge about choosing the right career path and to be selective about our career battles. The students got exposure to various career fields and scopes. At the end of the session a Mock Group discussion (GD) was conducted where the students were divided into different groups and was given a topic where everyone presented their views and ideas. The entire session was interactive to make the students aware about the competitive process scenarios.The session was attended by the teachers and students of the department. The session was moderated by Anjali, Department of BBA, Patna Women’s College, Patna.