Personality Development and Soft Skills Class on “Group Discussion Skills”-2022
Date: 10-09-2022
Organised by: Department of Computer Applications (MCA), Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Patna University
Beneficiaries: 61
Experts involved: Ms. Nusrath Sohail, Head, Department of Advertising and Marketing Management, Patna Women’s College (Autonomous), Patna University
Brief Report:
Points discussed by the speaker:
- How to grasp the attention in a group?
- How to highlight yourself differently in a group?
- How to be the best in Group Discussion?
- How to behave in Group discussion?
The speaker adopted the “Learning by Doing” approach. After discussing the important components of group discussion, she encouraged the students for group discussion on some current topics. In between, she was also giving valuable inputs like how to present yourself in front of an interviewer and various things to be maintained in a group discussion like how to put your point in a group discussion, how to pick up the points in discussion, how to make observer feel that you are also a part of the discussion, to grasp the attention of crowd during the discussion etc. The session was quite interactive. They learned to express their views, to improve their thinking, listening, and speaking skills. It also enhanced their confidence level. Overall, the experience of group discussion was amazing as all the students took part in it with great enthusiasm and zeal.