Date- 21st December, 2022
No. Of Participants- 75
Brief Report –
Patna Women’s College (Autonomous) fervently celebrated Christmas on 21st December, 2022 in the Open-Air Stage Hall. The programme was organized in two shifts for 1st and 2nd year followed by the 3rd year students. The programme commenced with a devotional opening dance. A euphonious English Carol song was presented next by a group of students. A skit throwing light on the birth and upbringing of Jesus along with the difficulties faced was portrayed. The students presented a scintillating Tribal Dance. A melodious Hindi Carol “Purab me chamka ek tara was performed. Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C., Principal, Patna Women’s College addressed the students and emphasized on the significance of Christmas. The entire event was moderated by Vartika and Ipsita. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Aaisha Raza, Cultural Secretary, Student Council 2022-23, Patna Women’s College. The entire programme was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C., Principal and Dr. Sister M. Tanisha A.C., Vice-Principal and Head, Department of Home-Science, Vice-Principal, Patna Women’s College. The entire event was coordinated by the Cultural Coordinators Ms Enakshi Dey Biswas, Coordinator, Performing Arts, Ms. Samiksha Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Dr. Tauseef, Head, Department of Communicative English, and and the entire department of Communicative English, and Media Studies.