The Department of Biotechnology, Patna Women’s College is committed to promoting a safe and respectful campus environment for all students. Ragging is a serious issue that can have long-lasting negative effects on individuals, both physically and mentally. By organizing the Anti-Ragging Week from 12.08.2024 to 18.08.2024.We aimed to educate students about the harmful effects of ragging and to encourage them to stand against it.
The screening of short films related to ragging on the first day 12.08.2024 of the Anti-Ragging Week provided students with a visual representation of the consequences of ragging. This helped in creating a sense of empathy and understanding among the students. The interactive session where students expressed their views against ragging.
The signing of the Anti-Ragging Affidavit on the second day 13.08.2024 was a significant step towards creating a ragging-free environment on campus. By pledging their commitment to stand against ragging, students took a proactive stance in ensuring the safety and well-being of their peers.
The logo making Competition on the theme ‘Say No to Ragging’ on the third day 16.08.2024 allowed students to creatively express their thoughts on the issue. The logo created by the students served as a visual reminder of the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive campus culture.
Overall, the Anti-Ragging Week was a success in raising awareness about the harmful effects of ragging and in promoting a culture of respect and tolerance among students. We hope that the lessons learned during this week will continue to resonate with students and contribute to a safe and welcoming campus environment for all.