Visited an ICDS Anganwadi Centre 2024
The students of B.A. Semester VI (Session: 2021-2024), Home science visited an ICDS Anganwadi Centre at Adalatganj in Patna for an educational visit on 7th March, 2024. Integrated Child Development Services is a government programme in India.The specific objective of ICDS is to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age group of 0-6 years and also enhance the capability of mother to look after the health and nutrition needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education. This service provides nutritional meals, preschool education, primary healthcare, immunization, health check-up and referral services to children under 6 years of age and their mothers. The students interacted with children and analysed their nutritional status. Students also measured height and weight of the children to assess the growth monitoring. They also enquired the pregnant and lactating women regarding their dietary intake and child care practices. Hygiene, sanitation, safe drinking water facilities and diet provided to children were looked on along with other aspects of anganwadi. This educational visit was organised by Dr. Sunita Kumari , Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science, Patna Women’s College.