World Breastfeeding Promotion Week celebration-2023
On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Promotion Week celebration-2023, the Department of Home Science organized a presentation on the theme “Women’s Breastfeeding Experience: Joys and Challenges” to commemorate the event on 4th August 2023. The event, held in Room No. 30, aimed to raise awareness about the significance of breastfeeding for women, infants, and communities.
The presentation successfully highlighted various aspects of breastfeeding, including emotional, physical, and social challenges faced by women. B.A Semester III, V and M.A. Semester III students actively participated in the discussion. The real-life experiences shared by mothers showcased the joys, struggles, and triumphs during their breastfeeding journeys, serving as a source of inspiration for both students and the audience.
Dr. Sister M. Tanisha A.C., Head of the Department, extended her heartfelt congratulations to all the participants for their active engagement in raising awareness about breastfeeding during the event. She appreciated their valuable contributions towards promoting the significance of breastfeeding.
During the closing ceremony, Dr. Rosy Kumari, Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, expressed gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions in making the event a success. Special thanks were extended to faculty members, Dr. Shazia Husain, Dr. Sunita Kumari and Dr. Nisha Kumari for their presence and support, along with all the participants who actively engaged in the event dedication to the program’s success. The presentation on “Women’s Breastfeeding Experience: Joys and Challenges” proved to be an enlightening and inspiring event, encouraging a deeper understanding of the importance of breastfeeding and its impact on women, infants, and communities.