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Admission Forms for Session(2025-26) Starts from 1st February 2025

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Patna Women’s College invites researchers to submit their original and extended research to publish in Explore-Journal of Research. All submitted papers are peer reviewed and only after the required recommendations are received from the experts, the papers are published both in online and print versions.
The journal is published once a year. Authors are requested to send their papers latest by 15th December, so that it can be published in the next volume.
The processing fee is Rs. 1,500/- which is non-refundable. Payment can be made online or through Demand Draft. In case of online payment, the payee has to send transaction details along with the research paper. A copy of the ‘Guidelines for Contributors’ is attached herewith.
Click here to download Copyright Transfer Form (.pdf, 300KB)


All contributions should be sent to the Chief Editor, Explore – Journal of Research, Patna Women’s College, Bailey Road, Patna – 800 001.
1. Explore invites original research papers and case studies that deal with any area in the streams of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce, Management Studies and Information Technology.
2. Explore accepts original research papers and case studies of researchers. Processing fee is Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One thousand five hundred only) which is non-refundable, and is to be paid along with the research paper, through Demand Draft in favour of Principal, Patna Women’s College, payable at Patna or through Online Payment whose details are as follows :
Account Holder Name – Principal Bursar, Research Fund A/c
A/c No. – 848201010001656
IFSC – VIJB0008482
Branch – Vijaya Bank, PWC Extn.
The concerned research paper will be published only after it receives the required recommendation from the Subject Expert and the Research Committee. The draft of the research paper will be returned if it is not accepted for publication.
3. Authors should submit one hard copy of the manuscript clearly typed, double-spaced with at least 1″ margin on all sides on an A4 size paper. Font Size should be 12 in Times New Roman.
4. Authors are also required to submit an electronic copy (soft copy) of the paper in MS-Word format through the email id
5. The manuscript should include an abstract of 200-250 words and 4–6 keywords.
6. A declaration is to be made by the author that the paper is original and has not been published/submitted for publication elsewhere. A copyright form is provided for this purpose.
7. The first page of the manuscript should contain only: a) Title of the Article. b) Name of the Author/ Authors (Name, Designation and affiliation/s, e-mail and Postal Address).
8. The manuscript should contain Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Analysis, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References.
9. (a) In the text, reference should appear as :
e.g. Ganguly et al (1999) reported that …
… as reported earlier (Ganguly et al 1999)
This is confirmed by earlier workers (Ganguly et. al 1999; Sharma 2004).
According to Swami et al (1995) …
(b) References should be given on a separate page, double spaced at the end of the paper. They should carry the surname of the author, followed by the other names, year of publication, title of
the paper/book in quotes, name of the journal, place of publication and publisher’s name (in the case of book).
e.g. From Journal
Aghi MB, Gopal M (2001). ‘Exploiting Women and Children – India’s beedi industry’. Lifeline 6 : 8 –10.
From Chapter in Book
Bayer DE, Foy CL (1982). ‘Action and fate of adjuvants in soils’. Adjuvants for Herbicides. The Hague : SPB Academic, pp. 295 – 301.
From Book
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society : The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press.
10. Contributions should be of about 2500 to 4000 words.
11. All the manuscripts received for publication will be Peer Reviewed. The manuscript will be published only after the approval of the Review Committee.
12. Explore, reserves the right to publish or not to publish any contribution submitted for publication without assigning any reason.
13. Any change of the address should be intimated to the Editor, six weeks in advance.
14. The author(s) will get a complimentary copy of the relevant issue of Explore.
15. Last date of submission of research papers for next volume is 15th December.
Please visit our website:
For further information Please e-mail to :
Phone No. : +91–612–2531186
Fax : +91–612–2531196